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Printed February 5, 2023
Constitution and Bylaws
The name of the Organization shall be: “FELLOWSHIP GOLF ASSOCIATION”
The objective of this organization shall be to promote golf and social fellowship through the mutual cooperation of its members in all activities associated with golf.
Section 1. Membership shall consist of three categories; i.e., “Active Members”, “Associate Members” and “Honorary Members”.
Section 2: An “Active Member” shall be defined as a dues paying person, who consistently participates in scheduled golf functions, including the monthly meetings. Failure to consistently participate may be grounds for removal from the active membership rolls.
Section 3. An “Associate Member” shall be defined as a person unable to participate in scheduled golf functions on a consistent basis. Members may only be elected to this position upon unanimous recommendation of the FGA officers, and a simple majority of the Active Members present at the meeting . This category of membership is reserved for members who have demonstrated long standing interest in, and contribution to, the FGA and can no longer participate in golf events. Acceptable reasons for not participating in golf events include, but are not limited to, physical ailment, financial distress and or not residing within a reasonable proximity to Ramblewood Country Club.
Section 4. An “Honorary Member” shall be defined as a person elected to this position upon unanimous recommendation of the FGA Officers, and a simple majority of the Active Members present at the Meeting. This category of membership is reserved for members of long-standing who have demonstrated exemplary service to the Fellowship over the years.
4.1 Honorary Members are entitled to all privileges accorded to Active Members without a requirement for annual dues.
4.2 Qualifications: As a minimum, exemplary service to the Fellowship requires participation in the activities of the Fellowship (i.e., tournaments, meetings, social events, etc.) and, the additional requirement to have served in a leadership role, such as an Officer, Committee member/chairman, etc.
Section 5. Admission of new members is controlled by the procedures established by the Membership Chairman for election to the Association. The candidate must serve a probationary period of approximately 2 months, during which he participates in weekend scats, official tournaments, and at least one monthly meeting. The prospective new member, however, must pay the appropriate annual dues upon applying for membership. This entitles him to full benefits during the 2-month probationary period.
The probationary process allows both the candidate and the membership to assess the sincerity of the candidate’s application. Upon review and approval of the application, the prospective member shall be presented to the membership at a scheduled monthly meeting for approval by a simple majority of the members present.
Should a prospective member choose not to participate in the 2-month period, and, not be approved for membership, he will be refunded 50% of the annual dues. A full refund will be granted for “hardship” reasons.
Section 6. A “Member in Good Standing” shall be defined as any active member, associate member, or honorary member who is current on all dues owed, if any, to the FGA.
Section 1. The Officers of the Association shall consist of: “President”, “Vice-President”, “Treasurer”, and “Secretary”.
Section 2. Nomination of candidates to serve as officers shall be made at the October meeting. Only members in good standing may nominate candidates for election to any officer position. Any member in good standing may be nominated to serve as Secretary or Treasurer. Only members in good standing that qualify under Section 3 of this article may be nominated to serve as President or Vice President. In the event nominations are not made at the November meeting they shall be made at the next meeting.
Section 3. Only members who have shown consistent participation in the activities of the Fellowship (i.e., tournaments, meetings, social events, etc.) and, the additional requirement to have served in a leadership role such as Secretary, Treasurer or Chairman may be nominated to serve as President or Vice President. The determination of whether a member may be properly nominated under the above standard shall be made by a majority recommendation of the FGA Officers at the time of nomination. Any member in good standing that qualifies under this section may be nominated for President, Vice President, Treasurer AND Secretary but may only accept one nomination when nominated to multiple positions.
Section 4. The candidates for President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be presented for election at the November meeting. Members in good standing that are present at the November meeting may participate in the ballot to determine the new officers. Each member in good standing may cast one vote for each officer position.
Section 5. The willing nominee for President with the most ballots cast in their favor shall become the President.
5.1 The willing nominee for Vice President with the most ballots cast in their favor shall become the Vice President.
5.2 The willing nominee for Treasurer with the most ballots cast in their favor shall become the Treasurer.
5.3 The willing nominee for Secretary with the most ballots cast in their favor shall become the Secretary.
Section 6. Upon election, the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary shall serve until the next ballot. If the President is incapable or unwilling to discharge his FGA duties the Vice President shall take office as President until the next ballot.
Section 7. Upon election the President may make appointments to chair committees.
Section 8. In the event an officer, other than President, is no longer capable or willing to discharge their FGA duties, the President, after consulting the remaining officers, may appoint an interim replacement until such time as the elected officer so replaced requests reinstatement or until the next ballot, whichever occurs first.
Section 1. Regular Meetings shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month, excluding January and February, at 7:30 pm, at RAMBLEWOOD Country Club. Fifteen Members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2. Special Meetings may be called at the discretion of the President, or by request of fifteen (15) Members. The only business to be transacted at the special meeting is that for which the meeting is called.
Section 3. Unless otherwise provided, Robert’s “Rules of Order” shall be adhered-to for all parliamentary questions. The order-of- business shall be as follows:
A. Roll Call
B. Reading Minutes of Last Meeting
C. Treasurer’s Report
D. Miscellaneous Announcements
E. Reports of Committees
1. Membership
2. Golf
3. Entertainment
4. Rules
F. Unfinished Business
G. New Business
Section 1. All monies collected in the name of the Organization, including dues, shall be deposited by the Treasurer in a checking account established in the name of the Association. All disbursements shall be made by the Treasurer with the approval of one other Officer.
Section 2. Dues for the Active Members of the Association shall be $150.00 annually, payable in full at the March meeting. Dues for Associates are $ 20.00 annually.
Section 3. A suspended Member may be reinstated by approval of a simple majority of those present and voting at a Regular Meeting. Any outstanding dues must be paid upon re-instatement.
Section 4. Prospective New Members shall pay an Annual Dues of $150.00 from March through July.
Prospective New Members shall pay an Annual Dues of $ 100.00 from August through December.
New Member applications will not be accepted after the Memorial Tournament. Prospects for the following year are invited to attend the Holiday Dinner/Party as a guest.
Section 1. A Golf Chairman shall be appointed by the President. The Golf Chairman shall arrange and control all golf activities sponsored by the Association, including the weekend SCATS conducted at RAMBLEWOOD. The Golf Chairman may call upon any of the regular members to assist where and when required, in any function falling under his jurisdiction.
Section 2. An Entertainment Chairman shall be appointed by the President. The entertainment Chairman shall plan and arrange all social activities of the Association, including the monthly-dinner meetings, golf tournament-luncheons, and the annual Holiday-Dinner Meeting.
Section 3. A Membership Chairman shall be appointed by the President. It shall be the duty of the Membership Chairman to investigate all applications for membership and submit his recommendations to the membership at a regular monthly meeting for acceptance.
Section 4. A Rules Chairman shall be appointed by the President. It shall be the duty of the Rules Chairman to periodically review the Constitution / Bylaws for possible amendments; and, to consider and screen all proposed constit
Constitution and Bylaws
The name of the Organization shall be: “FELLOWSHIP GOLF ASSOCIATION”
The objective of this organization shall be to promote golf and social fellowship through the mutual cooperation of its members in all activities associated with golf.
Section 1. Membership shall consist of three categories; i.e., “Active Members”, “Associate Members” and “Honorary Members”.
Section 2: An “Active Member” shall be defined as a dues paying person, who consistently participates in scheduled golf functions, including the monthly meetings. Failure to consistently participate may be grounds for removal from the active membership rolls.
Section 3. An “Associate Member” shall be defined as a person unable to participate in scheduled golf functions on a consistent basis. Members may only be elected to this position upon unanimous recommendation of the Officers, and a simple majority of the Active Members present at a meeting Fellowship Golf Association. This category of membership is reserved for members who have demonstrated long standing interest in, and contribution to, the Fellowship Golf Association and can no longer participate in golf events. Acceptable reasons for not participating in golf events include, but are not limited to, physical ailment, financial distress and or not residing within a reasonable proximity to Ramblewood Country Club.
Section 4. An “Honorary Member” shall be defined as a person elected to this position upon unanimous recommendation of the FGA Officers, and a simple majority of the Active Members present at the Meeting. This category of membership is reserved for members of long-standing who have demonstrated exemplary service to the Fellowship Golf Association over the years.
4.1 Honorary Members are entitled to all privileges accorded to Active Members without a requirement for annual dues.
4.2 Qualifications: As a minimum, exemplary service to the Fellowship Golf Association requires participation in the activities of the Fellowship Golf Association (i.e., tournaments, meetings, social events, etc.) and, the additional requirement to have served in a leadership role, such as an Officer, Committee member/chairman.
Section 5. Admission of new members is controlled by the procedures established by the Membership Chairman for election to the Association. Upon submitting an application to the Association the applicant shall become a candidate for membership. The candidate for membership must serve a probationary period of 2 months which period shall begin upon the candidate for membership attending a monthly meeting. The candidate for membership may participate in weekend games, Fellowship Golf Association sanctioned tournaments, and shall attend the monthly meeting at which the candidates’ election to membership is considered. The prospective new member must pay the annual dues set forth in Article VI, Section 5 upon applying for membership. This allows the candidate for membership to participate in Association activities during the probationary period.
The probationary process allows both the candidate and the membership to assess the sincerity of the candidate’s application (and therefore it is imperative that the candidate for membership participate in Association activities during the probationary period. Upon review and approval of the application, the candidate for membership shall be presented to the members in good standing at a scheduled monthly meeting for approval. The candidate for membership may be elected by a simple majority of the members in good standing present.
Should a prospective member choose not to participate in the 2-month period, and, not be approved for membership, he will be refunded 50% of the annual dues paid to the Fellowship Golf Association. A full refund will be granted for “hardship” reasons as defined and determined by a majority vote of the members of the board.
Section 6. A “Member in Good Standing” shall be defined as any active member, associate member, or honorary member who is current on all dues owed, if any, to the Fellowship Golf Association.
Section 7. All Members shall abide by the Association code of conduct. All candidates for election to membership to the Association must agree to the Association code of conduct upon applying for membership.
Section 1. The Officers of the Association shall consist of: “President”, “Vice-President”, “Treasurer”, “Secretary” and “Ex Officio member”.
Section 2. Nomination of candidates to serve as Officers shall be made at the October meeting. Only members in good standing may nominate candidates for election to any officer position. Any member in good standing may be nominated to serve as Secretary or Treasurer. Only members in good standing that qualify under Section 3 of this article may be nominated to serve as President or Vice President. In the event nominations are not made at the October meeting they shall be made at the next meeting.
Section 3. Only members who have shown consistent participation in the activities of the Fellowship Golf Association (i.e., tournaments, meetings, social events, etc.) and, the additional requirement to have served in a leadership role such as Secretary, Treasurer or Chairman may be nominated to serve as President or Vice President. The determination of whether a member may be properly nominated under the above standard shall be made by a majority recommendation of the Fellowship Golf Association. Officers at the time of nomination. Any member in good standing that qualifies under this section may be nominated for President, Vice President, Treasurer AND Secretary but may only accept one nomination when nominated to multiple positions.
Section 4. The candidates for President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be presented for election at the November meeting. Members in good standing that are present at the November meeting may participate in the ballot to determine the new Officers. Each member in good standing may cast one vote for each officer position.
Section 5. The willing nominee for President with the most ballots cast in their favor shall become the President.
5.1 The willing nominee for Vice President with the most ballots cast in their favor shall become the Vice President.
5.2 The willing nominee for Treasurer with the most ballots cast in their favor shall become the Treasurer.
5.3 The willing nominee for Secretary with the most ballots cast in their favor shall become the Secretary.
Section 6. Upon election, the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary shall serve until the next ballot. If the President is incapable or unwilling to discharge his Fellowship Golf Association duties the Vice President shall take office as President until the next ballot.
Section 7. Upon the election of a President who did not serve the immediately preceding term the then immediately former President (who served the term immediately prior to the newly elected President) shall be installed as the Ex Officio member. The Ex Officio member shall serve until the next such time a President serving a non-consecutive term is elected. If the member qualified under this section to serve as the Ex Officio member is unable or unwilling to serve in this capacity a replacement shall be selected in accordance with requirements of Section 9 of this Article as well as the additional requirement that the individual also qualify under section 3 of this Article.
Section 8. Upon election the President shall make appointments to chair committees.
Section 9. In the event an officer, other than President, is no longer capable or willing to discharge their Fellowship Golf Association duties, the President, after consulting the remaining Officers, may appoint an interim replacement until such time as the elected officer so replaced requests reinstatement or until the next ballot, whichever occurs first.
Section 1. Regular Meetings shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month, excluding January and February, at 7:15 pm, at Ramblewood Country Club. The presence of one third of members in good standing shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2. Special Meetings may be called at the discretion of the President, or by request of two thirds of the members in good standing. The only business to be transacted at the special meeting is that for which the meeting is called.
Section 3. Unless otherwise provided, the most current edition of Robert’s “Rules of Order” shall be adhered-to for all parliamentary questions. The order-of- business shall be as follows:
A. Roll Call
B. Reading Minutes of Last Meeting
C. Treasurer’s Report
D. Miscellaneous Announcements
E. Reports of Committees
1. Membership
2. Golf
3. Entertainment
4. Rules
F. Unfinished Business
G. New Business
Section 1. All monies collected in the name of the Organization, including dues, shall be deposited by the Treasurer in a checking account established in the name of the Association. All disbursements shall be made by the Treasurer with the approval of one other Officer.
Section 2. Dues for the Active Members of the Association shall be established annually, payable in full at the March meeting. Dues for Associates shall also be established annually and payable in full at the March meeting.
Section 3. A Member who is not in good standing due to lack of paying outstanding dues may be reinstated upon payment of any and all outstanding dues.
Section 4. A Member removed from the Association for a violation of the Association code of conduct shall only be considered for reinstatement upon a majority recommendation of the board and a two-thirds vote of ALL members in good standing.
Section 5. Candidates for membership shall pay an Annual Dues as established annually, from March through July.
Candidates for membership shall pay reduced Annual Dues, established annually, from August through December.
New Member applications will not be accepted after the Memorial Tournament.
Section 1. A Golf Chairman shall be appointed by the President. The Golf Chairman shall arrange and control all golf activities sponsored by the Association, including weekend games conducted at Ramblewood Country Club. The Golf Chairman may call upon any of the regular members to assist where and when required, in any function falling under his jurisdiction.
Section 2. An Entertainment Chairman shall be appointed by the President. The entertainment Chairman shall plan and arrange all social activities of the Association, including the monthly-dinner meetings, golf tournament-luncheons, and the annual Holiday-Dinner Meeting.
Section 3. A Membership Chairman shall be appointed by the President. It shall be the duty of the Membership Chairman to investigate all applications for membership and submit his recommendations to the membership at the monthly meeting.
Section 4. A Rules Chairman shall be appointed by the President. It shall be the duty of the Rules Chairman to periodically review the Constitution and Bylaws for possible amendments; and, to consider and screen all proposed constitutional amendment changes for general Membership approval.
Section 1. Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws shall be proposed by the Rules Chairman. Members may also propose amendments by petition to the Rules Chairman for submission to the Members at a regular monthly meeting. Two-thirds of the Members voting shall be necessary for its adoption. The general membership shall be informed by e-mail of any proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws at least one month prior to the voting process.
Section 1. Members may override any action by any officer, committee, member and or chairman or may mandate action by any officer, committee, member and or chairman or the group of Officers or Committees, or chairman, in their Fellowship Golf Association capacities, by two-thirds of the members in good standing voting at any meeting.
Fellowship Golf Association By laws as of 2023 leadership meeting (2-5-2023) (docx)
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